Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watery Wednesday

I went back to the Japanese Garden and look at what I found - 
turtles taking a sunbath on the edge of the koi pond...

Hayward, CA

Want to see more WATERY images from all over the world? Click right HERE!


Gattina said...

That's really beautiful with these little turtles !

RA said...

Ah, the Japanese Garden! I always love to see some photos of it. Beautiful area to visit :).

magiceye said...

that indeed is lovely!

Daryl said...

Oh how neat .. turtles sunbathing!

Mariz said...

Beautiful Japanese Garden! I love how vivid the colors are and those turtles seem to be having a grand time sunbathing. Great shot!

Yup Linnea, hubby and I use the D40x as often as we can, whenever we go out we always make sure we'd bring really rocks right!

Btw, I'd start putting up links of my fave photoblogs on my sidebar, is it ok to ex-links with you? I love your site. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an excellent photo. I love the turtles sunbathing and I do hope they don't get sunburned, hahahah...

penny said...

It looks like a wonderful place for people and turtles to enjoy. Thanks for the visit.

Jan said...

Beautiful. We have a Japanese Garden in our old town, Long Beach. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely sight. So very peaceful.

totomai said...

well they need to have the luxury of sunbathing too. lol

Anonymous said...

We were on the same turtle wave length. I really like this shot. The turtles are cute, love the water reflections and you eveh got the little waterfall in the back. Cool!

Tarolino said...

Oh Linnea what a wonderful scene. There is something quite extra about japanese gardens anyway but you seem to have got the composition perfect and what piece of luck to have had those turles there too.

EG CameraGirl said...

Gorgeous find!

My expressions LIVE said...

Lovley photo!

Bryan said...

More Japanese gardens! yay. Nice capture.

The turtle on the left reminds me of my grandfather. In a good natural way, he is wrinkly and slow, but he also stretches his neck with his eyes closed when enjoying the sun. He is, however, shell-less.


I am starting to get jealous on your Japanese Garden! It is so beautiful there - and it seems to be a never ending story of your wonderful shots from the place! Sigh.....

Bryan said...

Oh, and to respond to your question, yes, those photos were taken with 2.5 and 5 second shutter speeds. The camera was indeed mounted on a tripod, and with shutter speeds that slow, it's a good idea to have one. However, with improvisation it's still possible to get passable shots without one.

These were taken with camera on a wooden railing. In the second one, the front of the camera was propped up on a baby carrot so that I could get a good angle. Rich in Vitamin A and sturdy!

Waterfalls are just some of the things that look great with motion blur. For example, long exposures of the night sky give interesting star trails. Busy streets at night are another famous subject as car headlights and tailights move through the frame.

betty-NZ said...

They add the perfect element to your shot.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blend of light and shadow!

Tammie Lee said...

Wonderful and serene, love those turtles!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Love it ~ we have lots of turtles in spring/summer in the ponds near where we golf - counted 10 of them lined up on a big log last year!

Anonymous said...

I love the turtle guys or gals. They really know how to relax and enjoy the scenery. Great capture, and I love the sunshine! (Seattle's really dim.) I like your blog very much.

Laurieluc said...

that's very pretty--love the pile of turtles