Monday, April 9, 2012

Barn Charm

The Skagit Valley is full of farms with barns.
The only problem is trying to photograph them -
there's no where to pull off onto the side of the road
without risking falling into an irrigation ditch!
I managed to capture this one
somewhere near or on Fir Island...
Happy Barncharming!
Skagit Valley, WA

Click HERE to visit Barn Charm.


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What a lovely photo of this iconic barn!

Amy Burzese said...

Beautiful! Those trees really add to the shot. Are they lombardi poplars? Of course the red barns/buildings are stunning.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I had to pass on many barn photo ops while traveling through eastern Oregon and Washington. No place to pull off, made even more challenging when steering a small house down the road. You have a very nice barn photo here.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love all the red buildings in the landscape.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

lots of windows & love the roof. (:

EG CameraGirl said...

I like that there's so much red in this photo. :))

Small City Scenes said...

I was going to say "hey, who's in my valley" but then It's you and that's ok and it really isn't MY valley. LOL

Cool shot. Yes I have been (almost) in many ditches trying to get a good shot. LOL MB

Mari said...

I love that tall roof and the row of windows. Nice find!

Carol said...

A beauty of a barn! And I love the other two red barns in the distance. The tall trees add interest as well. Very pretty scene!

Carol said...

Forgot to say I love your springtime header!

Elaine said...

Lovely Skagit scene! I've done a few barn shoots there myself, and you're right, it's not always easy to get good shots of them. But, there are so many and there's always another one just down the road.

Cloudia said...

grew up in Pennsylvania: barn country.

love yours!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral



TexWisGirl said...

really pretty!

TheChieftess said...

Nice shot today...but the banner photo...Fabulous!!!

Angela Häring-Christen said...

Red barns are beautiful.
We haven't red barns in Switzerland.

Linda said...

The red barn is very striking, even from the "safe" distance! It is a challenge to get those shots, isn't it! I have been known to ask the husband if he will turn around and take another s-l-o-w drive-by so I can get the shots. Of course, that isn't always possible!

Nancy said...

Oh my! How gorgeous is this? Love that roof -- great contrast to the red. Wonderful!

Veronica said...

This is gorgeous!! Very nice!!

Kaori said...

Red barns are my favorite. Love this composition :D

Anonymous said...

That red PoPs so beautifully! Love the shape and the white framed windows really stand out, too. Terrific find & thanks so much for joining, Linnea! Happy Barncharming to you, too! =)

Tanya Breese said...

that's a beautiful barn!

Rose said...

That is one gorgeous barn...beautiful scene all the way around.

Don't you hate it when there is so much to photograph and no way to do it?

LindyLouMac said...

I love the splash of red.

Photo Cache said...

beautiful landscape. you went to see the tulips? someday i'd like to go there for the tulips.