Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Bridges

Here's a sturdy little bridge along Ashmun Street...
Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Click HERE to visit Sunday Bridges.
Click HERE to see more shots from Michigan.


Unknown said...

Lovely bridge and great capture as always, Linnea! I love your composition! Have a good week ahead!

Cloudia said...

Tough little fellow:-)


HappyK said...

Love old bridges and those pretty flowers are a bonus!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
It looks indestructible! «Louis» hopes we can say that much about the new Bay Bridge...(ahem)

Be that as it may, «Louis» is delighted that you've contributed again to Sunday Bridges!

Photo Cache said...

love the cropping and composition.

Wayne said...

The 'flare' in the ironwork is unexpected and adds a nice touch to the ascetics.